© Copyright 2021, Grace Episcopal Church
Parking Lot Party August 16th at 5PM
Every Wednesday at 10am ladies gather to share in refreshments, the occasional snack, and share in one another’s company socially. If you are interested in joining or learning more about Tea & Thee please contact Julie Anderson.
Every Thursday at 3pm in the Parish Hall of the church a group of folks gather to share snacks and simply spend time together as friends. All are welcome to join.
Our Knitting and Crochet Group gathers on Tuesday evenings throughout the year to share in prayer, fellowship, and snacks as they learn a new skill or continue to work on their individual projects. The group collectively works on creating hats, gloves, scarves, and other cold weather items that are collected throughout the year and will be blessed and distributed to our immediate neighbors in need during winter. All levels of experience are welcome to join the group and participate. If interested in learning more or joining in on the fun with this ministry please contact Madi Kyger, who can be reached through the church office.
A dedicated group of people who, mostly on Thursday at 10am, gather in the Quilting Room off the Parish House and work on their latest gift of love for someone. If you enjoy quilting and time spent in good conversation and good company stop by or call the church office for more information.
This group of men gather together on Saturday mornings, and host the occasional breakfast or other fundraising opportunity to support various ministries of the groups choosing. This group is very informal and would be happy to have new faces. Please contact Jim Wakefield or Larry Hartman for more information.
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© Copyright 2021, Grace Episcopal Church