© Copyright 2021, Grace Episcopal Church
Parking Lot Party August 16th at 5PM
We have countless opportunites for you to serve. Whether it’s Sunday mornings or throughout the week, without you we wouldn’t be able to have the church we do.
Acolytes are people who serve in key roles during the worship service. Acolytes lead the procession into the church, lead the Gospel procession with torches, receive the elements, ring the Sanctus bells during the Eucharist and assist the clergy throughout the service. Acolytes receive training and attend special Acolyte gatherings throughout the year.
If you’re looking for a behind the scenes ministry the Altar Guild may be the team for you. Our Altar Guild, made up of both men & women, prepares the bread and wine, linens, candles, and all of the other supplies needed at the altar for any of our services. Contact the Church Office to get connected with our Altar Guild Team.
Volunteers help livestream our Sunday 10:30am service and special services as needed throughout the year such as funerals, special occasions, etc. If this is a ministry you are interested in learning more about please contact the church office to learn more.
The Grace Church Choir program is known throughout the area for its quality representation of the Anglican musical tradition. The choir season begins following Labor Day and concludes on Pentecost. As well as Sunday Eucharist, the choir presents several special services throughout the year including Choral Evensong and Lessons and Carols. The dedicated musicians meet Sundays and Thursdays throughout the season. For information or to join us contact the choirmaster at organist@gracecarthage.com.
Ushers help people get what & where they need during Sunday worship. Ushers pass out bulletins as people arrive, help people find seating if needed, assist those with mobility challenges, receive the offering and guide people to the front during communion. Adults and youth are welcome to serve in this ministry. Contact Jim Wakefield or the church office for more information.
This ministry is for those who feel called to welcome our neighbors who may be new to our community or looking for a helping hand navigating worship and the church building during their visit. If you feel so called, please contact Becky Edds or call the church office to learn more.
Being a lector is an important ministry within the life of the church. These volunteers read from Holy Scripture during church services throughout the year. If you are interested in learning more about this essential ministry, please contact the church office so you can speak with the Rector to learn more and get involved. Adults and Youth are welcome to read.
LEM’s are members of the church who licensed and trained to assist the clergy in the distribution of the sacraments at Holy Communion. If you feel called to serve in this capacity, please reach out to Fr. Joe to learn more.
Our church community strives to provide good education for all ages to grow as disciples in Christ. Our Education Volunteers work with our Associate Rector to plan and execute quality curriculum in a safe environment for everyone. If you are interested in being a volunteer with our Education Team please reach out to our Associate Rector by contacting the church office.
The Hospitality Committee is coordinated by Sally Stuart. Often one thinks of the Hospitality Committee as the “Party Committee.” Actually, the purpose of the committee is to bring a warm and welcoming atmosphere to all who ‘grace’ our doors and attend our events. This committee seeks to make those in attendance feel more refreshed and loved when they leave than when they arrived by providing an atmosphere which encourages interactions and develops relationships. We do coordinate some special events like the Pet Blessing, Baptisms, receptions, and parties but most often, we offer to support other committees with their events by offering assistance with food, decorations and volunteer helping hands. If this sounds like you, we would welcome you to join this committee. Sally Stuart is the chair of this committee and can be contacted through the church office.
Following a funeral service, you may want to host a funeral reception in our Parish House. The Funeral Guild can provide refreshments and food as well as assist in setup and take down. Please contact Sandy Swingle or the church office for further information.
Seeking to maintain a heritage of balanced budgets for ministry
Ensuring legacy gifts to the church are wisely and ethically invested, including annual college scholarships.
This committee focuses on bringing strong hospitality to our visitors and newcomers. This includes being a Greeter on Sunday mornings, providing childcare bags for children to use during worship, and helping out on special occasions. If you feel called to a ministry of hospitality to new folks, this ministry is for you! Please contact Becky Edds, or call the church office for more information.
This ministry serves to record the 156 year history of Grace Church and continue to record its history as it unfolds right now. This committee works with the records of the church and the diocesan archives to continuously weave our story as a community together to be told for generations. If this is a ministry you would like to learn more about, contact Chuck Edds through the church office to learn more.
Podcast from the diocese about the church.
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© Copyright 2021, Grace Episcopal Church