© Copyright 2021, Grace Episcopal Church
Parking Lot Party August 16th at 5PM
While formally organized in 1869, Grace Church laid the cornerstone for its current building in 1889. Built in the style of the small English parish church, Grace Church is the oldest public building in the city of Carthage constructed of Carthage Limestone. The Nave, meaning the central part of the church or where we gather for worship, has been largely unchanged since its cornerstone was laid. The most recent change being the construction of a new mechanical organ for the Nave which was completed in 2022.
The prominent rose window on the front of the church and many others were added in the early 1900s. The rose window being the largest of the bunch and often the first to be enjoyed by many there are many beautiful works of stained glass within the Nave of the church and the rest of the building. Our Library is home to a set of windows that unfold the story of Anglicanism in North America and its route to where we stand today.
Grace church had owned a vacant lot south of the Rectory, now the Episcopad, for a very long time. In 2008, Fr. Steve spoke during a Sunday morning service about how he felt that God would be more pleased with Grace Church if we turned that lot into a garden instead of simply mowing it. The front half of the lot was first to be developed. Fr. Steve’s dream was to have a Bible Garden with plants mentioned in scripture as the focus.
The focal point of this garden turned out to be a Labyrinth. The Helen Boylan Memorial Labyrinth, based on the floor of a 12th century French Cathedral, was installed in 2009.
Planting and development continued. In 2014 raised beds for flowers, herbs and vegetables were added in the back half of the lot, along with the center fountain as focal point for this area. The curved stone bench was also added during this period. Spring and summer of 2015 brought “memory bricks,” a garden shed with the south side depicting Fr. Steve’s vision of the “Easter Tomb” and the pergola. In 2016 concrete pavers were added to finish the area under the pergola.
The Bible Garden and Labyrinth are masterfully cared for by Larry and Ruth Hartman whose ministry keeps the garden beautiful and full of abundance year round. If you would like to learn more about the garden or what can be found within the garden ask either Larry or Ruth and they would be happy to give you more information.
Grace Church has an outdoor columbarium for cremated remains located off our parking lot at the north end of Spencer Hall. To learn more about the columbarium, contact the church office at (417) 358–4631.
Grace Church has a long history of supporting the arts and local artists. Our church is blessed to have many artists in its pews but also beautiful works of art hanging around the parish. Some are carefully knit pieces, portraits, an etching of a knight, and more.
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© Copyright 2021, Grace Episcopal Church