Parking Lot Party August 16th at 5PM
Join in as you feel comfortable. Attending a service doesn’t commit you to anything.
August 31st
Kermes in Grace Church Parking Lot supporting our Siblings in Christ at St. Nicholas Episcopal Church, Noel. Food available to purchase from 10am-2pm.
September 3rd
Offices Closed
September 4th
Wednesday Night Youth Group for Junior and Senior High School Youth
September 8th
Sunday School for All Ages Returns at 9:30am
September 10th
Vestry Meeting in Conference Room of Spencer Hall
September 11th
St. Martha’s Guild Meeting at Taste of Italy at 11am
September 13th
Encore Lunch at Noon with presentation from Ceri Otero of Carthage Olive Oil Co. A $5 donation at the door is suggested to help cover the cost of food.
September 16th
Bishop Nominees visit 6pm-8pm RSVP here
September 22nd
Stewardship Breakfast at 9:30am
September 29th
Men of Grace Breakfast being served at 9:15am
Sept. 28th, Oct. 12th, Nov. 16th
Women’s Bible Study
10am-11:30am, Sign-up sheet in Parish Hall
Book resource used is “Bible Women” by Lindsay Freeman
*Clergy available by appointment
A quiet, beautiful church where the red door is always open for you to step inside, rest your worries and refresh your soul. The members are varied in age and talents but united in a genuine desire to support one another, the community and those in need in the world.
We don’t make things up on the fly in Episcopal worship, but rely on tried-and-true actions and words which have stood the test of time.
After the Civil War, a small group of local ladies began to gather weekly for prayers in their homes; within a year, they had organized a self-supporting parish and constructed a wooden church at our current location, without windows, doors or heat.
We don’t make things up on the fly in Episcopal worship, but rely on tried-and-true actions and words which have stood the test of time.
After the Civil War, a small group of local ladies began to gather weekly for prayers in their homes; within a year, they had organized a self-supporting parish and constructed a wooden church at our current location, without windows, doors or heat.
Rooted in worship of the Risen Christ, we draw our understanding of His commandment to love one another from Holy Scripture, reason and tradition—and we encourage our membership actively to seek a deeper personal relationship with Christ, a relationship founded in love of God and of neighbor.
Like Episcopalians around the world, members of Grace Church hold various opinions on all sorts of matters, from politics to scriptural interpretation. It is that lively interplay of God’s personal revelation to His Church which challenges us to deeper devotion and to a stronger life in unity, not uniformity.
I've enjoyed attending this church for the past two years. It's not what I'm used to but I love the people, the energy, and the emphasis on learning.
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