© Copyright 2021, Grace Episcopal Church
Parking Lot Party August 16th at 5PM
The Church is bigger than our parish, or even our area. That’s why we offer these ways to engage the broader world:
St. Andrews’ Church, Marcabee, Haiti – Our ministry in Haiti has been active since 1999 and includes regular visits by groups from the parish to our supported Church and School in the southern peninsula of the island.
Our partnership is dedicated to providing good primary education and medical clinics for the students and their families. Grace Church has a Haiti Team of lay people dedicated to raising awareness, raising funds, and staffing mission teams to go to Haiti.
Our Haiti Team is always open to new faces who are interested in serving this mission. Some people work primarily with fund raising, particularly with our Olde World Christmas Market which provides significant funding. Others are interested in serving “on the ground” in Haiti, volunteering for building projects, dental, or medical missions.
If you are interested in learning more about this ministry please contact Pam White or Peggy Ralston to find out more.
The Quarter Tube in the parish has sent a veritable ark of animals, from llamas and water buffalo to bees, ducks to goats, around the world to help farming communities on every continent enhance their ability to produce food and incomes for themselves and their families.
Three groups of adults and teens from our parish have visited this school for deaf and deaf-blind children in the Jordan valley since 2009. Our Good Friday offering since 2000 has been designated for this institute, which has teachers and students from all ethnicities and faiths.
An elementary school in the typhoon zone, our congregation has been involved in helping to rebuild this facility for the children of fishing families since Christmas 2013. Check out their FaceBook page for continual updates on progress: Navitas Elementary School.
Podcast from the diocese about the church.
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